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Education, democracy and development

Dernière modification 12/11/2012 08:48

Harber, C., Mncube, V., symposium books, 2012

Web site

2012 paperback 190 pages US$48.00
ISBN 978-1-873927-71-7

Does education contribute to democratisation in developing countries?

Education is often seen as the key agency in international development and poverty reduction. Frequently the emphasis is on the economic and social role of education in development. This book, on the other hand, is unusual in explicitly examining the political role of education in development. In particular, it sets out the theories, evidence and arguments concerning the potential and actual relationships between education and democracy and critically explores the contradictory role of formal education in both supporting and hindering democratic political development. A key theme of the book is the importance of considering the type and nature of the education actually provided and experienced – what goes on inside the ‘black box’ of education? Currently in developing countries and elsewhere this is often at odds with democratic principles but the book also provides many examples of successful democratic practice in schools in developing countries as well as discussing a detailed case study of South Africa where democratic change in education is a key aspect of the policy agenda.



CHAPTER 1 Politics, Democracy and Political Development
Politics and Democracy; The Idea of Development; Political Development Theory; Democracy as Development;

CHAPTER 2 Education, Democracy and Political Development
Education and Politics; Education and Democracy; Education and Democracy: is there any evidence?;

CHAPTER 3 Education for Democracy? Introduction; What Does a Democratic School Look Like?; India: Neel Bagh School and Sumavanam School;
Ecuador: the Pestalozzi School; UNICEF Child Friendly Schools;
Education Policy; Leadership, Management and Pupil Voice in Decision-Making in Schools;
Curriculum, Learning and Teaching; Teacher Education and Professional Identity;
Initial Teacher Education; In-service Teacher Education;
Action Research and Reflective Practice in In-service Teacher Education;
Taught Programmes in Education for Democratic Citizenship; Assessment; School Inspection: a case study; Conclusion

CHAPTER 4 Obstacles to Greater Democracy in Education
Introduction; The Bureaucratic Legacy in Schools in Developing Countries;
The Authoritarian Legacy; Whole School Organisation, Ethos and Culture;
School Discipline and Corporal Punishment;
Classroom Methods and Assessment;
Teacher Education; Politics, Resources and Culture; Conclusion

CHAPTER 5 The Roles of Education in Relation to Political Development: South Africa as a case study
Introduction: development goals for education in post-apartheid South Africa;
Modernisation or Disorganisation?;
Democracy and Peace or Authoritarianism and Violence?;
A Democratic Curriculum?; Democratic Structures: school governing bodies; Continuing Non-Democratic Features of South African Education; Contradictions and Tensions in Post-apartheid Education and Development;

CHAPTER 6 Democratic Educational Change?
References; Notes on the authors


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