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Dernière modification 13/09/2009 11:34

Bento-Gonçalves, Brésil, 27-31 juil. 2009

WCCE 2009 Education and Technology for a Better World

9ème World Conference on Computers in Education

La 9ème World Conference on Computers in Education de l’IFIP (International federation for information processing) se tiendra à Bento-Gonçalves, Brazil, du 27 au 31 juillet 2009

 La 9ème IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2009) est un événement IFIP organisé par l’Université UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), l’université UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), et l’Institut IDESTI (Instituto de Capacitação, Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Institucional em Gestão Social de Tecnologia de Informação).

Date limite pour la soumission des contributions : 31 Décembre 2008 

Résumé : Education and Technology for a Better World is the main theme for WCCE 2009. The conference will highlight and explore different perspectives of this theme, covering all levels of formal education as well as informal learning and societal aspects of education. The conference is open to everyone involved education and training. Additionally players from technological, societal, business and political fields outside education are invited to make relevant contributions within the theme: Education and Technology for a Better World.

Themes and Topics

  • Digital solidarity

  • Learners and lifelong learning

  • Teachers – teaching and role of teachers

  • Decision making strategies/policy

  • Networking and collaboration

  • Innovation and creativity in schools


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