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Dernière modification 06/06/2013 07:56

6-10 February 2013, Manavgat-Side, Antalya - Turkey

Site of the conference


On behalf of the Organizing Committees and the ERME Board it is our pleasure to invite you to attend the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education which will be held at Starlight Convention Center, Thalasso & Spa Hotel in Manavgat-Side, Antalya, Turkey from 6th to 10th February, 2013.

The Antalya Region, offering all the mysticism of the past in our day, is now called the "Turkish Riviera" due to its archaeological and natural beauties. Antalya is the place where sea, sun, history and nature constitute a perfect harmony. The city still preserves its importance as wonderful natural beauty and as a centre throughout history on the south coast of Turkey, which is the most beautiful and clearest coast along the Mediterranean.

We look forward to promoting the development of mathematics education through intellectual communication and cooperation through attending thematic working groups, plenaries, poster sessions, and so forth.

Prof. Dr. Behiye Ubuz

Important dates of CERME 8

Dates Event
1 August, 2012 Pre-registration form available on-line
15 September, 2012 Deadline for submission of papers
15 September, 2012 Pre-registration for the conference
15 September, 2012 Deadline for request for financial support
1 October, 2012 Deadline for submission of poster proposals
22 October, 2012 Deadline for reviewers to submit their reviews
15 November, 2012 Decisions about paper or poster acceptance
15 November, 2012 First decision about financial support
1 December, 2012 Deadline for revisions to papers
1 December, 2012 Reduced fee registration deadline
15 December, 2012 Papers for presentation at the congress available on the congress website
6 -10 February, 2013 Conference



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