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Dernière modification 11/01/2007 09:50 expiré

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education


Editor: K. Krainer; P. Sullivan; D. Tirosh; T. Wood
ISSN: 1386-4416 (print version)
ISSN: 1573-1820 (electronic version)
Journal no. 10857
Springer Netherlands


The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE) is devoted to research into the education of mathematics teachers and development of teaching that promotes students' successful learning of mathematics. JMTE focuses on all stages of professional development of mathematics teachers and teacher-educators and serves as a forum for considering institutional, societal and cultural influences that impact on teachers' learning, and ultimately that of their students. Critical analyses of particular programmes, development initiatives, technology, assessment, teaching diverse populations and policy matters, as these topics relate to the main focuses of the journal, are welcome. All papers are rigorously refereed.

Papers may be submitted to one of three sections of JMTE as follows:

Research papers: these papers should reflect the main focuses of the journal identified above and should be of more than local or national interest.
Mathematics Teacher Education Around the World: these papers focus on programmes and issues of national significance that could be of wider interest or influence.
Reader Commentary: these are short contributions; for example, offering a response to a paper published in JMTE or developing a theoretical idea.

Authors should state clearly the section to which they are submitting a paper. As general guidance, papers should not normally exceed the following word lengths: (1) 10,000 words; (2) 5,000 words; (3) 3,000 words.  Maximum word lengths include references, figures, appendices, etc.

Critiques of reports or books that relate to the main focuses of JMTE appear as appropriate.

Public concerné

Chercheurs en éducation, formateurs d'enseignants.

Responsabilité éditoriale

Editor-in-Chief: Barbara Jaworski
Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway


Peter Sullivan
La Trobe University, Australia

Konrad Krainer
University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Dina Tirosh
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Terry Wood
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Founding Editor:

Thomas J. Cooney
University of Georgia, Athens Georgia, USA

Editorial Board:

Deborah Ball, Michigan, USA; Mariolina Bartolini Bussi, Modena-Reggio Italy; Nadine Bednarz, Montréal, Canada; Chris Breen, Cape Town, South Africa; Leone Burton, Cambridge, UK; Jose Carrillo, Huelva, Spain; Olive Chapman, Alberta, Canada; Tom Cooney, Georgia, USA; Ruhama Even, Rehovot, Israel; Francis Fennel, Maryland, USA; Helen Forgasz, Melbourne, Australia; Peter Gates, Nottingham, UK; Koeno Gravemeijer, Utrecht, Netherlands; Barbro Grevholm, Kristiansand/Lund, Norway/Sweden; Rochelle Gutierez, Illinois, USA; Anjum Halai, Karachi, Pakistan; Patricio Herbst, Michigan, USA; Colette Laborde, Grenoble, France; Gila Leder, Bundoora, Australia; Agnes Lenfant, Reims, France; Steve Lerman, London, UK; Frederick Leung, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong; Shiqi Li, Shanghai, China; Romulo Lins, Rio Clara, Brazil; John Mason, Milton Keynes, UK; Jarmila Novotna, Prague, Czech Republic; Joao Pedro da Ponte, Lisbon, Portugal; Despina Potari, Patras, Greece; Tim Rowland, Cambridge, UK; Ken Ruthven, Cambridge, UK; Deborah Schifter, Massachusetts, USA; Jeppe Skott, Copenhagen, Denmark; Kaye Stacey, Melbourne, Australia; Heinz Steinbring, Essen, Germany; Orit Zaslavsky, Haifa, Israel.


To order a journal subscription, please fill out the following form. Please note that subscriptions are entered on a calender year basis (January - December) and expire with the last issue of the last volume listed.

Soumission d'articles

Online Manuscript Submission

Journal of MathematicsTeacher Education has a fully web-enabled manuscript submission and review system. This system offers authors the option of tracking in real time the review process of their manuscripts. The online manuscript and review system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures. It supports a wide range of submission file formats, including Word, WordPerfect, RTF, TXT and LaTeX for article text and TIFF, EPS, PS, GIF, JPEG and PPT for figures. PDF is not a recommended format.

Manuscripts should be submitted to:



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