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Dernière modification 19/02/2009 15:06 expiré

Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education


Publishing schedule: quaterly

Editorial Address
Ontario Institute for Studies  in Education University of Toronto Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
252 Bloor Street West 11th Floor Toronto, ON M5S 1V6

Editor in chief: John Wallace

Editors: Rina Zazkis, Simon Fraser University; Nathalie Sinclair, Simon Fraser University; Sophie René de Cotret, Université de Montréal.
Editorial Assistant: Sheryl MacMath

Subscribe: on line
Web Site



The Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education is the first academic journal in this field published in Canada. This exciting new journal has generated great enthusiasm among Canadian scholars and is considered a long overdue developement in the field.
The journal is an international forum for the publication of original articles written in a variety of styles, including research investigations using experimental, qualitative, ethnographic, historical, philosophical, or case study approaches; critical reviews of the literature; policy perspectives; and position papers, curriculum arguments, and discussion of issues in teacher education.

Intended audience

The intended audience includes academic researchers and those involved in mathematics Education and teacher training.

Editorial team

Nicholas Balacheff, IMAG, France; Nadine Bednarz, Université du Québec à Montréal; Salah Benyamna, Ministère de l’éducation Nationale; David Blades, University of Victoria; G. Michael Bowen, University of New Brunswick; Olive Chapman, University of Calgary; William Cobern, Western Michigan University; Jean Dionne, Université Laval; Nadia Douek, France; Indigo Esmonde, University of Toronto; Gaalen Erickson, University of British Columbia; Gérard Fourez, Facultés universitaires de Namur; Karen Goodnough, Memorial University; Nelofer Halai, Aga Khan University; Jim Hewitt, OISE/University of Toronto; Edgar Jenkins, University of Leeds; Carolyn Kieran, Université du Québec à Montréal; Brent Kilbourn, OISE/University of Toronto; Eva Krugly-Smolska, Queen’s University; Marie Larochelle, Université Laval; Réal Larose, Université de Montréal; Norman Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Roza Leikin, University of Haifa; Jean-Louis Martinand, École normale supérieure de Cachan; John Mason, Open University; Ralph Mason, University of Manitoba; Phillippe Mathy, Facultés universitaires de Namur; Stephen P. Norris, University of Alberta; Maskata Ogawa, Kobe University; Jonathan Osborne, Stanford University; Erminia Pedretti, OISE/University of Toronto; Jerome Proulx, University of Ottawa; Chris Rasmussen, San Diego State University; Kristina Reiss, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität; David A. Reid, Acadia University; Doug Roberts, University of Calgary; Wolff-Michael Roth, University of Victoria; Françoise Ruel, Université de Sherbrooke; Luis Saldanha, Arizona State University; Anna Sfard, University of Haifa; Bonnie Shapiro, University of Calgary; Martin Simon, New York University; Arthur Stinner, University of Manitoba; Michael de Villiers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Keith Weber, Rutgers University; Jerry Wellington, University of Sheffield; Alice Wong, University of Hong Kong; Benny H.W. Yung, University of Hong Kong; Khadija Zaïm-Idrissi, Ministère de l’éducation nationale.


Institutional subscription: $264 (USD)
Personal subscription: $251 (USD)
Student subscription: $47.00 (USD)
Single issue price: $48.00

on line subscription

Submission of articles

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at
Manuscripts may be submitted in either English or French.


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