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Vera local resources

Dernière modification 18/01/2014 23:05

Main elements, towards new developments

Reminder. The lesson at stake takes place in grade 8, and is about percentages (see the case context folder). "Local resources" means "resources linked to the current lesson". Hammoud (2012) distinguishes mother resources (intervening in the preparation of the lesson) and daughter resources (resulting from this preparation). We present in this folder:

  • The teacher general progression for grade 8, that can be consider, in this context, as a mother resource
  • Schematic representations of the part of the resource system mobilized by the teacher for preparing the lesson
  • The documentation work of the teacher seen through video episodes of the preparation session
  • The daughter resources resulting from this session
  • The test conceived by the teacher after the lesson
  • The teacher's analysis of the students results seen through video episodes of the debriefing session.
1) The teacher general progression for grade 8

The general progression for grade 8 (pdf file to be downloaded) has been conceived by Vera at the beginning of the year (reminder: it was the first time that she taught at this level, see the teacher background folder). At this time, thi crucial resource appears as a daughter resource for Vera, resulting of a documentary work involving a lot of resources (textbooks, programs, institutionnal prescriptions,..). All along the following year, the general progression became a mother resource, supporting Vera documentaty work.

2) Schematic representations

Original representation drawn by the teacher (download the file)

Representation translated and redrawn by the researcher (download the file)

3) The documentation work of the teacher seen through video episodes of the preparation session

See the video episodes 2 to 15 of the preparation session.

 4) The daughter resources resulting from this session (files to be downloaded)

Local progression - Simple exercices to introduce the lesson - Slides to be projected on the screen - Exercice to introduce the notion at stake ("gathering percentages").

5) The test conceived by the teacher after the lesson (file to be downloaded)
6) The teacher's analysis of the students results seen through video episodes of the debriefing session

See the video episodes 11 to 22 of the debriefing session.


Hammoud, R. (2012). Le travail collectif des professeurs en chimie comme levier pour la mise en œuvre de démarches d'investigation et le développement des connaissances professionnelles. Contribution au développement de l'approche documentaire du didactique. PhD, University of Lyon.

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